Negotiating responsibility in the context of migrated physicians
Direction: Dr. Corinna Klingler, Dr. Katja Kühlmeyer
Funded by: Münchener Universitätsgesellschaft
In many areas of Germany, doctors from abroad are increasingly employed in hospitals. Many immigrant doctors face numerous challenges at the beginning of their professional career. They often receive support, but little is known about the form in which they are offered and the responsibility that should be given to different actors in the health care system. In order to find out more about which actors in the health care system already offer support and where actors see the responsibility for such offers, we are conducting a qualitative exploratory study. In this study, relevant actors of the health care system are interviewed who either work directly with migrated physicians or who can indirectly influence the experiences of migrated physicians through their activities on a structural level.
The study has been conducted in close cooperation with the research project "Medicine International". The data were therefore collected together and subsequently evaluated separately according to the different questions. Part of the data has already been published within the partner project. You can find more detailed information here.