ETHIKOM-PJ: Ethical competence in the practical year
Direction: PD Dr. med. Dr. phil. Ralf J. Jox
Research associate: Dr. rer. biol. hum. Katja Kühlmeyer, Dr. med. Inga Wermuth
Fundes by: Nachlass Dr. Hildegard Hampp
This project aims to determine the ethical competence of medical students during their practical year (PJ), to ask for their support needs and to evaluate a pilot model of medical-ethical qualification. The first two objectives will be pursued by means of a semi-quantitative cross-sectional survey of all PJ students at Munich universities. An interactive, case-related small group seminar will serve as a pilot teaching model, which will be evaluated primarily in terms of quality. The results of the project should help to strengthen the professional ethical competence of prospective physicians in the particularly sensitive phase of the practical year and thus contribute to a sustainable improvement in patient care.