Completed research projects
Joint project: Individualized health care: Ethical, economic and legal implications for the German health care system
Ethical, economic and legal aspects of allocating costly biomedical innovations: Exemplary studies on explicit and implicit rationing in interventional cardiology and intensive care
Decisions on artificial nutrition and fluid intake in dementia patients: The influence of non-verbal behaviour of the patient
ETHIKOM-PJ: Ethical competence in the practical year
Models of clinical-ethical case review
Neuroethics of Chronic Disorders of Consciousness
Possibilities for designing efficient care management for the chronically ill - ethical, economic, legal and social aspects
The meaning and impact of nonverbal behavioral expression in decisions about artificial nutrition and hydration for patients with advanced dementia
Health care for migrants: Ethical challenges in a comparison of countries Germany - Great Britain
Ethical, economic and legal aspects of allocating costly biomedical innovations: Exemplary studies on explicit and implicit rationing in interventional cardiology and intensive care
International Neuroethics Workshop, Munich: Vegetative State: A Paradigmatic Problem of Modern Society. Ethical, legal, social and medical perspectives on chronic disorders of consciousness
The distribution of scarce health resources between disease orientation and preference fulfilment: ethical, economic and health system implications of anti-aging medicine
Medicine International: Dealing with Immigrant Doctors in German Hospitals as an Organizational Ethical Challenge
Ethische, ökonomische und rechtliche Aspekte der Allokation kostspieliger biomedizinischer Innovationen: Exemplarische Untersuchungen zur expliziten und impliziten Rationierung in der interventionellen Kardiologie und der Intensivmedizin
Participatory planning of health and social decisions after diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia: make decisions for the future NOW
Citizen Conference on Xenotransplantation
Collaborative project: Promotion of health personal responsibility: possibilities and limits from a philosophical-ethical, legal and health economic point of view
Die Verteilung knapper Gesundheitsressourcen zwischen Krankheitsorientierung und Präferenzerfüllung: gerechtigkeitsethische, ökonomische und gesundheitssystemische Implikationen der Anti-Aging-Medizin
Development and evaluation of a blended learning seminar "Methods of qualitative social research in public health and medicine"
Joint Research Project: Medicine 4.0 - The ethical Fundament of Digitalization in Health Care
Vergleich der Reaktionen zweier kulturell unterschiedlich geprägter Zivilisationen auf eine konkrete Handlungserfordernis angesichts der Bedrohung durch HIV/AIDS während der vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnte
META mHealth: Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects in the Technological Age
Allocation of resources in the ambulant, general medical health care: An empirical ethical study
ENFoLDING - Communication structures in decision-making before the end of life of critically ill newborns
Joint Research Project: INTERFACES - Intelligent Neuro-Technologies Restoring Functions of Action and Communication: an Evaluation Study
Moral and ethical competencies among medical students