Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine

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Health care for migrants: Ethical challenges in a comparison of countries Germany - Great Britain


Direction: Dr. Katja Kühlmeyer
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Georg Marckmann, Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger
Employees: Corinna Klingler, Dennis Odukoya
Cooperation: Prof. Dr. Richard Huxtable (Bristol, UK); Prof. Dr. Oliver Razum (Bielefeld); Münchner Kompetenzzentrum Ethik (MKE, München)
Förderung: BMBF (FKZ 01GP1483)

Retreat week: 14 - 18 March 2016

The retreat week enables its participants to discuss challenges in public health care for migrants. The week-long workshop is organised around the question: "What are ethically appropriate strategies to meet challenges in public health care for migrants? The methodological-didactical treatment of this central question is based on an in-depth, interdisciplinary examination of research in this field, lectures by experts, as well as excursions and group work.
The participants work on this question in steps that build on each other: In the first step, they will discuss the terms and concepts used to categorize certain groups as "migrants" or "ethnic minorities" and how this affects research into their health concerns. Based on this, we analyse which challenges exist on the system level: 1) Formal - legal barriers (for people without residence rights or without insurance coverage) require a reflection on the inclusion/exclusion of these groups in public health care and 2) system-immanent barriers (for migrants with insurance coverage) require a reflection on the distribution of responsibility for the removal of these barriers. Finally, we address challenges at the micro level, which arise in particular due to pluralistic values.
Doctoral students and young researchers benefit from the opportunity to present their theses to an international, interdisciplinary audience, thus training interdisciplinary working and communication skills. They have the opportunity to network internationally with other researchers (peers and experts) and to initiate joint projects. In addition, results are generated that are relevant for modern, pluralistic societies and their health care systems.