Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine

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International Neuroethics Workshop, Munich: Vegetative State: A Paradigmatic Problem of Modern Society. Ethical, legal, social and medical perspectives on chronic disorders of consciousness


Direction: Dr. Dr. Ralf Jox
Research Assistant: Dipl.-Psych. Katja Kühlmeyer
Funded by: BMBF / FKZ 01GP1082

The week of retreat is intended to give young European researchers from the life sciences, humanities, cultural and social sciences the opportunity to gain interdisciplinary qualifications in neuroethics of chronic disorders of consciousness. In addition to the further development and publication of their own projects, the participants will benefit from methodological training in interdisciplinary work and presentation as well as from networking.
To make decisions for patients in a persistent vegetative state is a highly complex task that requires an interdisciplinary discourse that brings together different perspectives. A retreat week to promote the discourse between young scientists and health care professionals took place in Munich from March 21 to 26. Sixteen selected participants from different professions and different countries presented their scientific work or talked about their practical experience with patients and families. They discussed the ethical challenges when decisions on treatment measures are made with and for patients. The week was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the presentations of the participants were published in the anthology:

Jox RJ, Kuehlmeyer K, Marckmann G, Racine E:
The Vegetative State: A Paradigmatic Problem of Modern Society.
Münster 2012: LIT. ISBN 978-3-64-390097-5.