Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine

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Katja Kuehlmeyer

Dr. rer. biol. hum. Katja Kuehlmeyer, Dipl. psych.

Research Associate


Katja Kuehlmeyer (German: Kühlmeyer) is a psychologist and medical ethicist. She is a senior researcher at the Institute. Through research, teaching, and the design of scientific events, she aims to contribute to the translation of medical ethics into practice (translational bioethics). She conducts research in the field of health care ethics (including clinical ethics) and research ethics with a focus on "moral challenges" and "ethical decision making in complex decision-making situations." Furthermore, she contributes to the reflection and teaching of qualitative research methods at medical faculties. In order to establish structures for training and networking for researchers at the beginning of their research career, she founded the network Qualitative Research in Medicine and Public Health together with colleagues at the LMU.

Katja coordinates the Institute's teaching at the Medical Faculty.


Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine
Lessingstr. 5
80336 Munich

Room: 2.03
Phone: +49(0)89/2180-72790
Fax: +49(0)89/2180-72799

Photo: Yves Krier -