Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine

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Kuehlmeyer K, Hirsch A, Marckmann G (2024). Kommentar I zum Fall „Sterbewunsch trotz behandelbarer Erkrankung“. Ethik in der Medizin 36(2): 173–177. (Article in German)

Haselwarter D, Kuehlmeyer K, & Wild V (2024). Ethical challenges in health care during collective hunger strikes in public or occupied spaces. Bioethics, online first.


Guinaudeau J, Baier CP, Kuehlmeyer K, Borzikowsky C, Terheyden L, Witt VD und Rogge A (2023). Änderungen des Arbeitsalltags und Moral Distress in der psychiatrischen Versorgung während der COVID-19-Pandemie. Der Nervenarzt. 2023, (Article in German)

Kuehlmeyer K (2023). Was löst moralischen Stress aus? Imago Homionis. Band 30, Heft 1, Seiten 7-17. (Article in German)

Kuehlmeyer K, Jansky B, Mertz M and Marckmann G (2023). Tansformative medical ethics: A framework for changing practice according to normative-ethical requirements. Bioethics, 1-11.

Schleidgen S, Kremling A, Inthorn J, Kuehlmeyer K, Mertz M and Haltaufderheide J(2023). How to derive ethically appropriate recommendations for action? A methodology for applied ethics. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. Volume 26, Pages 175-184.


Beyer MF, Kuehlmeyer K, Mang P, Flemmer AW, Fuehrer M, Marckmann G, De Vos M and Schouten ES (2022). We absolutely had the impression that it was our decision!” – A qualitative study with parents of critically ill infants who participated in end-of-life-decision-making. Children. 2023 10(1), 46.

Willacker L, Raiser TM, Bassi M, Bender A, Comanducci A, Rosanova M, Sobel N, Arzi A, Belloli L, Casarotto S; Colombo M; Derchi CC, Rama EF, Grill E, Hohl M, Kuehlmeyer K, Manasova D, Rosenfelder MJ, Valota C and Sitt JD (2022). PerBrain: a multimodal approach to personalized tracking of evolving state-of-consciousness in brain-injured
patients: protocol of an international, multicentric, observational study.
BMC Neurology. 2022 December 09, 22, 468.

Knochel K, Adaktylos-Surber K, Schmolke EM, Meier LJ, Kuehlmeyer K, Ulm K, Buyx A, Schneider G and Heim M (2022). Preparing for the Worst-Case Scenario in a Pandemic: Intensivists Simulate Prioritization and Triage of Scarce ICU Resources. Critical Care Medicine. Volume 50, Issue 12, Pages 1714-1724.

Boegle K, Bassi M, Comanducci A, Kuehlmeyer K, Oehl P, Raiser T, Rosenfelder M, Sitt JD, Valota C, Willacker L, Bender A and Grill E (2022). Informal Caregivers of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: A Qualitative Study of Communication Experiences and Information Needs with Physicians. Neuroethics. 2022 July 23, 15(3):24.

Schouten ES, Beyer MF, de Vos M, Flemmer AW and Kuehlmeyer K (2022). Conversations about end-of-life decisions in neonatology: Do doctors and parents implement shared decision making? Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2022 May 23, 10:897014.

Haltaufderheide J und Kuehlmeyer K (2022). Forschendes Lernen in der Medizinethik. Ethik in der Medizin. Ausgabe 34, Seiten 339-360. (Article in German)

Kuehlmeyer K, Wolkenstein A, Schütz M, Wild V und Marckmann G (2022). Kompetenzorientierte
Ethik-Lehre im Medizinstudium
. Ethik in der Medizin. Ausgabe 34, Seiten 301-318. (Article in German)

Kuehlmeyer K, Mertz M, Haltaufderheide J, Kremling A, Schleidgen S and Inthorn J (2022). Empirical research and recommendations for moral action: A plea for the transparent reporting of bridge principles in public health research. Public Health Ethics, Volume 15, Issue 2, July 2022, Pages 147-159.

Haselwarter D, Wild V and Kuehlmeyer K (2022). Providing health care in politically charged contexts: A qualitative study about experiences during a public collective hunger strike of asylum seekers in Germany. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health and Well-being. 2022, 17(1): 2018770.

Kuehlmeyer K (2022). Moralischer Stress in der Patientenversorgung. In Marckmann M. (Hrsg.), Praxisbuch Ethik in der Medizin (2. Aufl., S. 139-148). Medizinisch Wissenschaftliiche Verlagsgesellschaft. (Article in German)


Kuehlmeyer K, Bender A, Jox RJ, Racine E, Ruhfass M and Schembs L (2021). Next of kin’s Reactions to Results of Functional Neurodiagnostics of Disorders of Consciousness: a Question of Information Delivery or of Differing Epistemic Beliefs? Neuroethics. Volume 14, Pages 357-363.

Schembs L, Ruhfass M, Racine E, Jox RJ, Bender A, Rosenfelder M and Kuehlmeyer K (2021). How Does Functional Neurodiagnostics Inform Surrogate Decision-Making for Patients with Disorders of Consciousness? A Qualitative Interview Study with Patients’ Next of Kin. Neuroethics. Volume 14, Pages 327-346.


Kühlmeyer K, Kuhn E, Knochel K, Hildesheim H, Witt VD, Friedrich O und Rogge A (2020). Moralischer Stress bei Medizinstudierenden und ärztlichen Berufseinsteigenden: Forschungsdesiderate im Rahmen der COVID-19-Pandemie. Bundesgesundheitsblatt. Ausgabe 63, Seiten 1483–1490. (Article in German)

Kühlmeyer K, Muckel P and Breuer F (2020). Qualitative Content Analyses and Grounded Theory Methodologies in Comparison: Variants and Profiles of the "Instructionality" of Qualitative Methods for Data Analysis. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, Volume 21, Issue 1.


Pfadenhauer L, Coenen M, Kuehlmeyer K, Odukoya D, Schunk M and von Unger H (2018). Teaching Qualitative Research Methods in Public Health and Medicine: a research oriented module. GMS Journal for Medical Education. Volume 35, Issue 4:Doc45, 15 November 2018,

Klingler C, Ismail F, Marckmann G and Kuehlmeyer K (2018). Medical professionalism of foreign-born and foreign-trained physicians under close scrutiny: a qualitative study with stakeholders in Germany. PLoS One. Volume 13, Issue 2:e0193010, 15 Feb 2018,


Friedrich O, Hemmerling K, Kuehlmeyer K, Nörtemann S, Fischer M and Marckmann G (2017). Principle-based structured case discussions: do they foster moral competence in medical students? - A pilot study. BMC Medical Ethics. 03 March 2017, 18. 21.


Hege I, Kononowicz AA, Tolks D, Edelbring S and Kuehlmeyer K (2016). A qualitative analysis of virtual patient descriptions in healthcare education based on a systematic literature review. BMC Medical Education. 13 May 2016, 16, 146.


Kuehlmeyer K, Schuler A, Kolb C, Borasio GD and Jox RJ (2015). Interpreting dementia patients’ non-verbal behavioral expressions during feeding: A survey among nurses in nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrrics Society. Volume 63, Issue 12, 14 November 2015, Pages 2544-2549.

Jox RJ, Kuehlmeyer K, Klein AM, Herzog J, Schaupp M, Nowak DA, Koenig E, Müller F and Bender A (2015). Diagnosis and decision making for patients with disorders of consciousness: A survey among family members. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Volume 96, Issue 2, February 2015, Pages 323-330.


Kuehlmeyer K, Palmour N, Riopelle RR, Bernat JL, Jox, RJ and Racine, E (2014). Physicians' attitudes toward medical and ethical challenges for patients in the vegetative state: comparing Canadian and German perspectives in a vignette survey. BMC Neurology. 5 June 2014, 14, 119.


Kuehlmeyer K, Klingler C, Racine E and Jox RJ (2013). Single case reports on late recovery from chronic disorders of consciousness: A systematic review and ethical appraisal. Bioethica Forum. Volume 6, Issue 4, October 2013, Pages 137-149.

Kühlmeyer K und Jox RJ (2013). Prophylaxe und Therapie der posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung mit Propranolol: Evidenz und ethische Analyse. Der Nervenarzt. Ausgabe 84, Seiten 1183-1189. (Article in German)

Kühlmeyer K (2013): Ethische Herausforderungen bei chronischen Bewusstseinsstörungen: Die Sichtweisen von Angehörigen und Neurologen. Dissertation, LMU München: Medizinische Fakultät. (Article in German)


Kuehlmeyer K, Borasio GD and Jox RJ (2012). How family caregivers‘ medical and moral assumptions influence decision making for patients in the vegetative state: A qualitative interview study. Journal of Medical Ethics. Volume 38, Issue 6, June 2012, Pages 332-337.

Kuehlmeyer K, Racine E, Palmour N, Borasio GD and Jox RJ (2012). Diagnostic and ethical challenges in disorders of consciousness and the locked-in-syndrome: A survey of German neurologists. Journal of Neurology. Volume 259, Issue 10, October 2012, Pages 2076-2089.