Mission Statement
Mission statement of the Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine at LMU Munich
Our Motto
We reflect on medicine
Our Vision
The Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine aspires to promote the historical understanding of medical practice, to reflect upon the conceptual foundations of medicine and to answer ethical questions arising in the context of health and illness. We accomplish these tasks as an interdisciplinary team, employing a broad spectrum of methodological approaches and taking into account social implications of medicine in its historical dimensions.
What we do
Our central tasks at the Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine include research and teaching in the fields of medical ethics, philosophy of medicine and history of medicine. Additionally, by means of lectures and presentations, we create opportunities for professional, interdisciplinary and public exchange on current, socially relevant ethical issues. By participating in advisory committees, we contribute to the ethical discourse among professionals as well as the general public. We also offer postgraduate and continuing professional training which aims to improve the ethical awareness and competence of health care professionals. Furthermore, we provide expert advice on ethical issues in patient care, public health, biomedical research and health policy.
What distinguishes our work
We reflect upon practical issues in medicine using appropriate scientific methods. Our work requires the collaboration of different academic disciplines, which we bring together within our institute or through collaborations with external partners. Critical reflection and – where necessary – the advancement of both analytic-conceptual and socio-empirical methods is an important part of our work. We also focus on bridging the gap between fundamental scientific analysis and practical application. We aim to produce high-quality publications in order to contribute to professional and public discourses both in Germany and internationally. With practical and solution-oriented investigations we strive to promote an ethically, historically and conceptually informed health care practice.
How we work together
The institute is a place of interdisciplinary collaboration in research, teaching, continuous education, and consultation. All team members are encouraged to actively participate in and contribute to the life at our institute. We support each other in our tasks and projects, and are committed to a continuous exchange of knowledge and methods in an environment of mutual respect and esteem. Integration of new colleagues is supported by structured measures and collegial mentoring.
Supporting young scholars is a priority for us. We promote their knowledge and skills with appropriate training opportunities and continuous, personal, and constructive feedback by their supervising colleagues.